Kitty Carroll is a knowledgeable lecturer who will speak to the audience with two unique presentations of your choosing. One option would be a lecture on the conservation of our native birds of prey including the efforts of falconers to bring back the Peregrine Falcon from near extinction. This presentation includes a video or a slide show presentatio
n. When requested some live birds and be brought in to augment the lecture. The second option would be a historical presentation of birds of prey complete with Renaissance dress and discusses birds of prey in our history and language. These lectures have been presented at schools, senior centers, corporate events, outdoor groups or anyone interested in learning more about these magnificent birds.

The Birds of the Gauntlet Exhibit and Show is the perfect attraction for fairs, festivals, equestrian events, Renaissance Fairs, Highland Games, Celtic festivals, sportsman's show, Native American Pow Wow's and more. There is a display of the birds of prey featuring falcons, owls and hawks open to the public where the birds can be viewed up close on their mews with photo opportunities where permitted. Kitty Carroll also offers shows during the day with a free flight demonstration with some of the birds showing off their natural grace and dignity. T
his show can be presented in modern falconry dress or in medievel dress to suit the occasion.

Some of the birds traveling with Accipiter Enterprise include Harris Hawks, Red Tail Hawks, Peregrine Falcons, Kestrals, and an amazing collection of owls. Bringing Accipiter Enterprises can have another desirable affect on your event, the disappearance of nuisance birds, such as pidgeons, gulls, etc. The mear presense of the birds of prey in the area will discourage nuisance birds from bothering your patrons at the event.
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