Happy New Year, January is always a slow month event wise but very busy as far as bookings, inquiries and proposals. We have been very busy putting together proposals for events around the world including Hong Kong and England.
We have also spent January meeting committees here in the Northeast who have been busy preparing their events. Some of the most popular entertainment this year so far have been circuses, western entertainment, actions sports, animal shows and magic acts who carry their own stages. Its going to be another big year for local events and "stay-cation" venues!

Somehow the Maine Fair Convention always seems to take place the coldest weekend of the year and this year was no exception. We left on Thursday evening and hit 50 mile per hour winds, white out snow squalls, and black ice along the way, our 3 hour trip turned into 5 1/2 hours. Fun, fun, fun. We are so looking forward to heading back to Maine during fair season when its 75 degrees and sunny (of course it will be!).
1) Buy entertainment for your patrons not for your committee. Look at whose coming (or who you want to come) what are their ages, do they have children, how old are the children? You want to entertain your patrons so that they stay longer and patronize your vendors you also want to attract people to your event. Ask the good folks who come year after year what they want to see and ask those who haven't been coming what kind of entertainment would bring them to your event.
2) Ask us what is rout-able to your event! Acts who are traveling through your area are going to be more affordable than an act who is going to have to travel hundreds or thousands of miles to make the event.

Here are a few ideas to entertain through the ages:

Teens: Maximum Velocity, Winn's Thrill Shows, the Skyriders and of course the music act of the moment!
Families: The Flying Wallendas, the Flying Pages, Nergers Tigers, Johnny Peers and the Muttville Comix, Magically Medieval, Mutts Gone Nuts, the Magic of Lance Gifford & Co. and the Anastasini Circus.

Let us know who you want to entertain we'd be happy to make a suggestion! Make the best of February we will be through it before you know it!
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