We've just breezed through yet another month, October came and went in a blur. We began with Johnny Gunn with special guest, Eddie Money "Unplugged" at Tommy T's in Pleasanton, CA on the first of October. Johnny and Eddie had great attendance and put on a fantastic show, as usual.
On the 2nd we paid a final visit to the Big E in West Springfield, Massachusetts. Many congratulations to Wayne McCary and his entire staff at the Big E for an all time record attendance, 1,260,487 guests in 17 days. We even ran into Dave and Ann Whigham of the Spencer Fair volunteering in the Massachusetts State Building.
Next came Columbus Day weekend. On Saturday the 10th it was nice waking up to "Good Morning America's" story on the one and only Carson and Barnes Circus. Barbara Byrd the shows owner was looking great! Carson and Barnes Circus is one of the last true traditional tented circuses touring America or what is affectionately known in the circus business as a "mud show". It is a definitely must see for the whole family, regardless of age if its coming within a 100 miles of you.
Also that weekend the Flying Wallenda's returned to the Topsfield Fair. I'm afr
aid Topsfield as well as many other events in October was plagued by rain. We have had very unusual October weather we have had days here in the Northeast that have been in the 70's and other in the 40's, we've even had a little snow and when it rains it doesn't just shower it pours. I'm sure events that took advantage of weather insurance really made out and I'm sure we are probably going to see a rise in rates for next year.

On Tu
esday we traveled down to Long Island, NY for a reception to celebrate the release of the book the "Network Interviews" by Steve Fallon, our own Gordon MacKay and his brother Frank. The book is currently available online http://amzn.com/B002OJU96A at Amazon.com. It is a celebration of the 20 years that have passed since the publishing of their magazine Metal Network with a reprinting of photographs taken by the magazine along with some of its best interviews. The receptions was held at Oheka Castle and was attended by 800+ guests. Among those was Senator Alphonse D'Amato, Biker Dad's Fingers, Jim Faith of the Great South Bay Music Festival and John Blenn, director of "Two Tickets to Paradise".

On the 17th and 18th we had Jeanette Rix and her Great Little Bear Show at the annual Apple Festival at Mount Wach
usett. We got up to Mount Wachusett on Saturday to pay a visit. Jeanette's show has an opening act of German Shepards to warm up for the stars of the show, her black bears. Jeanette's family has a history of working for the folks of Mount Wachusett, who also own Polar Beverages and their logo is a Polar Bear. The Rix family had Polar Bears years back that did an advertising campaign for Polar Beverages.

On Monday the 19th the Spines played at Fat Baby's (New York City) during the CMJ Music Marathon. The Spines are becoming very popular on the college music scene.

On the 25th we had Chuckles the Kids Komic performing at the West Warwick Flea Market. The West Warwick Flea Market opened in July and this month we did some ad
vertising consulting for them with our MacKay Marketing business (http://www.mackaymarketing.com/) The 25th was the official relaunch of the flea market, they went from doing 250 people a day to 2500 people on the 25th with the revamped ad campaign. They are also planning on making the market a family experience by having a guest children's performer every Sunday as well as a food court. The West Warwick Flea market is open Sunday's only at the West Warwick Civic Center in West Warwick, Rhode Island.

We have been extremely busy this month preparing proposals for the coming 2010 season, which is promising to be very big. Many 2009 events did very well this year with many family's opting for "stay-cations" or day trips close to home foregoing the trips to Disney or taking a cruise and many are predicting that trend to continue in 2010. Its looking to be a very good year for theme parks, fairs, festivals and any event within a days drive. This is the great time for these events and venues to put their best foot forward and show off what a great value they have always been and continue to be! There is no time like the present to make sure you have plenty of entertainment, a variety of food vendors, good maintenance (empty those trash barrels and sweep those walkways!) great customer service, an attention getting ad campaign, and outstanding public relations.
Be sure to check back here often for monthly updates, performer of the month and more! If you like what you see please sign up to "follow" our blog.
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