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For Immediate Release –
Jade Kindar-Martin, Sky Walker
Expresses His
Sincere Thanks to the People of Madrid
After many months and hundreds of hours of planning and preparations for the sky-walk between Instituto Cervantes and Circulo de Bellas Artes, the cancellation of the performance of Jade Kindar-Martin due to high winds was an enormous disappointment to say the least.
Jade truly appreciated the energy and enthusiasm of crowds who came not only from Madrid but all over the world to witness what would have been a thrilling and picturesque sky walk across the Gran Via.
Throughout the final preparations that took place in the hours before the planned walk it was apparent that the wind speed was increasing and by the time of the planned 01h 00 performance the sustained winds were around 20 kilometers per hour with gusts up to 30 kilometers per hour that were creating dangerous cross-winds coming from the Gran Via and other roads intersecting the high wire.
Simply put Jade, his crew, the production staff, and La Noche En Blanco was defeated by the elements. Jade makes his living as a risk taker; however his risks are calculated risks that take many factors into consideration. Jade’s goal as a sky-walker is to give to his audience a piece of himself in his performance and hope they share in part of the thrill when he completes the seemingly impossible. This is only the second time in his career when a performance was cancelled due to weather conditions.
Jade said, “I consider Madrid unfinished business and I have offered to return to Madrid to finish what was nearly completed. I wish to thank the Instituto Cervantes, Circulo de Bella Artes, the Mayor of Madrid, the organizers of La Noche En Blanco, the US Embassy, all the volunteers and people from around the world who wished me well in my planned sky walk across the Gran Via”.
Talks are currently underway with Madrid Officials to bring Jade back in May 2009. Organizers and City officials were not aware of the mass appeal that a Sky-walk by Jade Kindar-Martin generates and were not prepared for the millions that traveled from six continents to see Kindar-Martin’s walk. Most remember his Guiness Record walk of the Thames in London when 400,000 witnessed live and over 40 million Europeans watched live on Sky News as Kindar-Martin kissed and then dropped a white rose into the Thames below in honour of Princess Diana.
Jade’s next planned sky walk is in Seoul, South Korea next month (October 2nd to 4th, 2008) where he will defend his title in the World High Wire Championships.